Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Book of Jacob Huxley Trailer

Hey everyone. I'm back again with another damn trailer. This one is actually an old one from way back in the day, but I recently edited it all together and added some familiar music from the Maniac soundtrack to spice it up a bit. I'm gonna be including it into my trailer compilation project along with my Musky Trailer, Tis The Season To Be DEAD Trailer, and my Soulless Trailer that I've already previously talked about here on The Lucid Nightmare.

The movie, The Book of Jacob Huxley, was initially filmed in 2002 I believe with directorial efforts by my friend Scott Martin. Unfortunately it was never finished, but we shot enough footage that I was able to piece together a sort of summary of the film. It's a long trailer, but I think that it makes for a unique viewing experience because it's like you're viewing a mini movie of sorts. So without any further explanation, here is the elongated trailer for The Book of Jacob Huxley.

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